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Hound Association of Scotland 2010 Critique

A very interesting entry which exceeded my expectations in the depth of quality. The ring was of good size which enabled the free striding dogs to extend. Most exhibits were in excellent muscular condition and in good coat.

My thanks to my two excellent stewards who ensured my day ran smoothly, which is always easier when the weather is as good as it was on the day.

Puppy Dog (4)

A class of just 6 month babies.

1. Milne’s Nixophel Lapis Lazuli

Better grown than the others with pleasing head, good ear carriage and start of furnishings. Good true front, still to deepen and fill out, but good length of loin. Would prefer a little more length of back, topline better on the move. Movement, as with the whole class, needs to settle.

2. Cartmell’s Cusidh Homecoming

Darker coated dog with not as pleasing head as 1. Strong, long neck, well balanced angulation with good width through stifle and low set hock. Better topline standing than 1, but not as settled on the move. Both promising puppies.

3. Cartmell’s Cusidh Gaidhealtachd

Junior Dog (4)

1. Peach’s Kilbourne Hamlet

Well built youngster. Pleasing head with dark eye, good furnishings and neat ear carriage. Strong neck, good depth and width of chest, perhaps a little upright in front, but with lovely rear angulation with adequate width through stifle. Topline better on the move than when stood. Moved well with good length of stride and good tailcarriage.

2. Mansell & Duddell’s Killoeter Peat At Canerikie

Not the substance of 1, but with good well balanced angulation. Pleasant head carried on strong neck. Good depth of chest and length of back. Movement sound and true.

3. Smith Fenton’s Cufenidd Stag Of Intack

Post Graduate Dog (7 – 1Abs)

1. McLoughlin’s Graizelund Rock And Roll Of Glenhaigh

Well coated dog with pleasing well furnished head, dark eye, well carried ears and soft masculine expression. Balanced angulation with adequate width and depth throughout.. Movement sound and true with good length of stride.

2. Hawkins’ Kwaricott Asclepius

Close between 1 & 2.  Plainer head then1. Strong neck with good ruff. Good width throughout but still needs to deepen a little. Well balanced angulation, good width of stifle well muscled quarters. Movement sound and true but length of stride not quite as good as 1.

3. Taylor’s Kilbourne James Dene To Ormanstar

Limit Dog (5 – 1Abs)

1. Barret’s Stranwith Ebenezer

Typical well built balanced dog presented in good coat. Well boned with good lay of shoulder and matching rear angulation. Pleasing well furnished head with good ear carriage and dark eye. Good top and underline. Covers the ground with a long easy stride, Sound and true. CC & BOB

2. Gillie’s Dorrator Gethen

Solid workmanlike dog with not quite the bone of 1. Pleasant head and expression, well balanced angulation, well muscled quarters. Good depth and width throughout, movement sound and true with good reach. RCC.

3. Hawkins Kwaricott Archimago JW

Open Dog (2 – 2Abs)

Puppy Bitch (6 – 1Abs)

1. Peach’s Ain’t Misbehavin At Kilbourne

Lovely feminine youngster with pleasing head and expression. Good length of neck and well balanced angulation front and rear. Adequate width throughout with good depth of chest. True front and strong rear quarters with low set hock. Moved well for such a youngster with true easy stride with good reach. BP

2. Taylor’s Kilbourne Baccarat To Ormanstar

Similar in length to 1 with good width in front. Good tuck up, but with not the topline standing as 1. Well boned and presented in good coat. Stands on good feet but needs to settle a lot on the move.

3. Robertson’s Chuilinn Camellia

Junior Bitch (5)

1. Gillie’s Dorrator Song For Drella

Well balanced young bitch with lovely feminine head and expression. Good width and depth throughout with well balanced angulation front and rear. Presented in good coat, she moved well with extension and drive.

2. Mansell’s And Duddell’s Killoeter Pieris At Canerikie

Sound balanced bitch but without the curves of 1. Rather plain head set on good long neck. Balanced angulation and standing on good feet she came into her own on the move striding out well.

3. Rose’s Jacodite Rosanne To Gentiehun (Imp Aus)

Post Graduate Bitch (13 – 3Abs)

1. Doak’s Rosslyn Pledge

Typical well balanced bitch with feminine head and expression with good ear carriage. Good length of back with correct top and underline with good width throughout. Low set hocks  and well muscled rear quarters. Harsh coat, movement sound and true with good reach and drive.

2. Peach’s Kilbourne Teine

Well balanced bitch with not quite the substance of 1. Good depth with good top and underline. Low set hock and good width through stifle, well balanced angulation. Movement sound and true.

3. Taylor’s Brackenland Tan To Kilbourne

Limit Bitch (5)

1. Jansons Nixophel Crystal Amethyst JW ShCM

Well furnished head with feminine expression. Reasonable width throughout with well balanced angulation front and rear, good length of back with good topline. Good width through stifle, movement sound and true.

2. Carr’s Kilbourne Oh Suzzana With Marandike

Pleasant head and expression with darkish eye and good ear carriage. Good width throughout, good length of back, well balanced angulation front and rear. Topline better on the move than when standing. Moved well with correct tail carriage.

3. Taylor’s Guinivere Starshire From Kilbourne

Open Bitch (8 - Abs1)

1. MacBean’s Killoeter Leyla

Typical quality workmanlike bitch with pleasing head and expression. Good width and depth throughout.  Plenty of width of stifle with well muscled quarters and low set hocks. Movement sound and true, presented in excellent coat and condition. Lost out in the challenge for BOB  by being a little lethargic. CC

2. Doaks Rosslyn Plainsong

Beautiful young bitch with feminine head and expression lacking in furnishings at the moment. Darkest of eye, long strong neck, good lay of shoulder and spring of rib. Good topline, still needs to drop in chest but has good tuck up. Well muscled quarters with low set hocks giving her good drive. Will follow her progress with interest. Res. CC

3. Peach’s Pinglehol Ruby To Kilbourne

Keith Pursglove
